Three reasons why American companies should choose Trask in the CEO interview

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The expansion across the pond on American and Canadian markets is a huge milestone in the 29-year-long history of Trask. The journey from the position of European leader to the global company is long and complicated, as described by Pavel Riegger, CEO at Trask. Fortunately, Trask has an excellent team and also local helpers led by experienced John Weisel.

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And why does it make sense for a company from the center of Europe to strive for this? Pavel Riegger chose these significant benefits of Trask which Trask can bring to new markets:

  1. Highly skilled people who can leverage their knowledge from Europe
  2. We are slightly cheaper because we do not have such overhead
  3. Our unique combination of competencies – we can combine knowledge with architects, developers, testers, integration engineers, etc.

And that is why we can succeed there. For more insights about our expansion to the United States and Canada, check this thorough video with Pavel.

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